Saturday, December 3, 2011

Hank turns four!

Hank had been waiting for this day for a while. He now thinks he can do anything because he's four. On his birthday he unbuckled his seat belt and zipped up his zipper and attributed it to being four. He had a WWF cake and got some wrestling guys for his birthday (the originals not the newer guys, I guess there's a difference). He likes to act tuff but he is such a sweet boy. We love him so much!

Halloween was the next week and Hank wore a costume every day that week. Robin, Captain America, a clone trooper, Batman and on Halloween Anakin Skywalker, his favorite. He still has a tiny scar on his cheek where he gave himself a scar just like Anakin, (not my idea, nor a move I'm proud of). Jared was a ninja, He's starting to lose his excitement for dressing up. Jake was a Jedi, his was the only costume I made. After I made it he changed his mind, but I made him wear it anyway. I was excited to dress Ruby up because there are only a few years I get to choose what she'll be. I've had a few people tell me she looks like Cindy Lou Hoo, The cartoon version, so I looked it up and thought that she'd make a great Cindy Lou Hoo for Halloween.

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