Saturday, December 3, 2011

I can't believe she's 1!

It was Ruby's birthday while we were at clown convention so she ate cheesecake at the hotel cafe, then we celebrated at Grandad's later. I can't believe she is one already. If there was a time machine I would go back to when each of my children were born and hold them as infants again. It's hard to remember them as these sweet, quiet teeny babies. Ruby loved everyone singing to her, she even tried to join in on one of the many times we sang it. She also loves getting her picture taken. She looks right at the camera with a big cheesy grin. She says mama, dada, no no and gives the sweetest kisses. She's close to walking after doing the army crawl for a while then crawling normal. We all have so much fun with her.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the time machine idea. She is such a cutie!
